Wednesday, March 17, 2010


OK, this show is good. Real good. And not just because it has Lauren Graham who was fantastic in Gilmore Girls, (I saw every episode. I'm not ashamed. Much.) but because it has real heart and shows a real family dealing with real issues.

In tonight's episode we see Max's Asparger's get confirmed by a doctor's diagnosis followed by Max breaking a fishtank in his classroom, flooding the classroom and making all the fish flop on the ground in front of the rest of his classmates. (An insight into why I like this show: the mother's reaction? "And we were going to have fish tonight, too.") Now the parents have to find a new school that can handle Max's Asparger's but the only one that can deal with him is full until September. Max's parent's insist on the principal meeting Max and it's enough for the school to figure out a way to squeeze Max into the current school year. This is where Parenthood really shines because you get the sense that these are real people who are a little over their head, don't have a guidebook on how to deal with a kid with Asparger's and are just trying to do the best that they can. They're not afraid to push or fight or do what's needed so Max can get the best treatment available.

Next we see Sarah (the aforementioned Lauren Graham) ask her father about the condoms she found in his desk drawer. He doesn't want to talk about it at first but eventually admits that he and his wife have been having some issues and he has been sleeping in the guesthouse. While he didn't outright admit to an affair I'm sure we will meet his mistress eventually.

And little sister Julia (played by Erika Christensen who I couldn't remember what I had seen her in before until I saw her in her bathing suit. Ah yes, Swimfan.) who is determined to teach her child to swim by asking her to swim to her from the side. Of course as soon as the kid kicks away from the side she sinks like a stone, comes up terrified and starts screaming for Daddy. Which greatly embarrasses Julia in front of all the other parents who are watching, causing Julia to feel even more like a failure as a mother. What parent hasn't been embarrassed by something their kid has done in public? I remember telling my Dad very loudly that I had to go "Do number 2" in a bookstore and him walking away like he didn't even know me. Good times.

All in all, if you aren't watching this show you really should. It's very well written and acted, has charm, humor, drama and anything else you would want from a show.


  1. help!! what was the acronym Julia used in this episode? she said it 2 or 3 times...

  2. Hey Cheryl, CIF (California Interscholastic Federation)

    I love this show SO SO much - I can't wait to hear if it gets renewed *fingers crossed*

  3. What is the name of the song at the end of the episode when they are all in the pool? the song is about pools!

  4. It's "The Swimming Song" by Vetiver. I found the lyrics here.

  5. thank you SO much claire!

  6. Sounded like the original version of The Swimming Song by Loudon Wainwright III. More info here:
