The mission of Grocery Shop for FREE at The Mart is to help you spend as little as possible on the things you need at Walmart. While this blog focuses mainly on couponing, there are many other ways to save and to get the maximum amount for the money you spend. To that end, we are starting a new series that will cover some of the non-coupon related things that will help you on your shopping trips. I hope you enjoy these Walmart Shopping Secrets.
Some Supermarkets Have Hired Full-Time On-Staff Dieticians to Serve Their Customers!
The supermarket business is very competitive (the average profit margin is about 1.5%) so everyone is looking for an edge. One of the newest methods some supermarket chains are adopting is having an on-staff dietitian.
While no reports have surfaced of Walmart doing this, some national chains (Like Hy-Vee) are enjoying the benefits of having a dietician their customers can talk to about certain dietary issues.
These dietitians are helping consumers learn how to read labels and understand the nutritional content of what they are buying, they are teaching how to cook the food, some are even helping customers manage their food allergies.
This is an interesting step for supermarkets to not only become a place to GET food but to also be the place where you learn how to best prepare and eat the food.
This is an important resource for all of us to be aware of. Unfortunately, there is no National Registry to search your area for on-staff dietitians so if you’d like to talk to one, you will need to call your local stores to find one near you.
If you have any questions about your food, food allergies, food prep or storage, food education or anything else food-related, you need to avail yourself of this fantastic (and FREE) resource.
Walmart Shopping Secrets: Does Your Store Have an On-Staff Dietitian?
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