Monday, October 14, 2013

Weird Walmart News: EBT Snafu Leads to a Totally Wrecked Walmart


I tell you what, sometimes the Walmart stories that come across my desk just want to make me live on a desert island away from the rest of humanity.  Apparently there was a glitch in the EBT system which allowed people to buy food with no limit.  So what do you think happened?  Did people wait patiently for the problem to correct itself, being careful to not spend more than what was allotted to them?  (Money that they didn’t earn in the first place)

Of course not.  What they did was descend on Walmart like a pack of vultures scooping up every piece of food they could possibly get their hands on.  Shelves were barren, carts were full to overflowing and police had to be called to ensure order.  And then the worst part was that when the problem corrected itself, the full carts were abandoned and the people just walked out.

To really get a feel for the carnage, you need to watch the video below.

KSLA News 12 Shreveport, Louisiana News Weather

Weird Walmart News: EBT Snafu Leads to a Totally Wrecked Walmart

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